Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Modus Operandi

This is my second research game. You will be given a series of subjective questions that you will answer. Afterwards, the rest of the directions will be given and the structure of the game will take its true form.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Calculator Help

Here, please post all of your questions about our calculators and tips on how to use them.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Optical Illusion

Above is an optical illusion done by M.C. Escher called Relativity. How do you think this illusion works?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Question of the Week

I would like add this post as a regular thread and will ask for student response tomorrow. For now, try the following problem, but begin your work independently and allow yourselves to work on the problem for a couple of days before asking for hints, etc. These problems will be given apart from your regular homework asssignments, so there is no rush.

Suppose that three linear equations are given, one for each of the substances, methane, water, and nitrous oxide.

Methane: -2T + 302V = 546.4
Water: -T + 228V = 273.2
Nitrous Oxide: -3T + 1872V = 819.6

where V stands for volume and is measured in liters and T stands for temperature and is measured in degrees Celsius.

If the lowest possible temperature ("absolute zero") is defined to be the lowest temperature for all the substances listed above, use linear analysis to find the value of absolute zero in terms of T.
Can someone explain WHEN to use FOIL? And I don't understand what is the difference in using FOIL and the distributive one.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Here, please post all of your philosophical thinking about mathematics. This has been a popular suggestion from our class and a philosophy thread is very necessary.

Tests and Quizzes

On this post, please post some comments on questions you have for an upcoming test or ask a question about a question you didn't understand on a test.

Math Test

I had some difficulties with the last problem on the test, i know that you explained further in class, but its still confusing. Also, when i was absent i know i missed some lessons but to explain further would be amazing:)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Minority Control: Game Theory Experiment #1

The Rules for the first game are as follows
1. This game is called Minority Control, because you can control (and eventually win the game) the way that the minority votes.

2. With the way that the game is set up, more than one person can win the game

3. This game is played with 16, 20, or 22 people

4. Everybody is anonymous, only identified by a letter, number, or character.

5. One random letter is selected, and that person poses a yes or no question

6. The subjects are free to roam in an enclosed area for 30 minutes, and they must cast a vote to the binary question!

7. The votes are read, and the group that posed the LESS amount of votes moves onto the next round, where another question is repeated

8. This process is repeated until there is one person left, or a stalemate is declared.

9. The most important rule of the game..... You May Lie.

Tips: Take advantage of the 30 minutes that you are given! Those who are the busiest are always the winners.
There is a strategy to guarantee victory!
It is possible for more than one person to win this game!

Parameters: I was hoping that this experiment could be deducted in the second half of algebra or at lunch. I hope that with the current parameters, that everybody get 5 bonus points for joining the experiment, and for every person in the experiment that a pot of 5 bonus points per person making a pot of 80 bonus points if one acheives total victory.

EX. Player "Q" asks the question "Are you a boy?", knowing that there are 6 boys and 10 girls in the experiment
After the votes are cast the score is 12 YES 4 NO
the 4 that voted no are allowed to move onto round two.
NOTICE: most of the people voted "boy" because they knew that it was the minority. So many people thought this, that it became the majority, and they lost.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Homework Help

Post here for advice and help finishing homework (please dont give strait answers, just give tips to completing the different problems).